Solutions for Environmental Equipment, Filtration Media and Contractor Services
Continental Carbon Group specializes in providing consulting support, equipment, media supply and contractor services to environmental, water/wastewater, industrial and construction industries. Our services include: Filtration vessel purchase and rentals, media supply, change-outs & disposal for on-site filtration, design assistance for remediation projects, contractor services for project management, on-site setup & operator training for system operations. Continental Carbon Group brings together equipment, expertise and technical skill to ensure that your current and future projects are a success.

- Carbon vessel rentals or purchase; 250 to 5000 lbs. vessels in stock (larger available upon request)
- Filtration removal, disposal, siupply, and installation services of all types of filter media
- Specialty medias to remove contaminants like Petroleum Hydrocarbons (PHCs, F1-F4), BTEX, VOCs, PAHs, cyanides, and metals
- Groundwater treatment/remediation projects
- Temporary/permanent filtration systems for storm water management including Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
- Under-drain tear-outs and retrofits
- Water and wastewater treatment system design, setup, and commissioning services
- Filter bed top-ups
- Project management
- Water and filter sampling and analysis
- On-site filter audits and pilot testing
- Process troubleshooting
- Liquid phase environmental equipment supply
- Liquid management contractor