Highflow and Ventsorb® PE Series Odour Control Systems
Continental Carbon Group’s HIGH FLOW and VENTSORB® PE Series Odour Control Systems represent a perfect fit for odour control applications where space is at a premium and simplicity is a must. They have one of the smallest footprints of any odour control system, considerably smaller than most biofilter and wet scrubbing systems. Within this small footprint, Continental Carbon Group can provide a total package complete with fan, controls, and all of the accessories required. All the owner needs to do is make a few utility connections and flip a switch.

Due to their relatively small sizes, the HIGH FLOW and VENTSORB® PE are ideally suited for municipal wastewater collection system facilities such as pump stations and lift stations, where space is usually at a premium. They are also well suited to point source applications within the wastewater treatment plant itself. When filled with CENTAUR® HSV water regenerable catalytic activated carbon, the HIGH FLOW and VENTSORB® PE treat hydrogen sulfide (H2S), as well as, odorous organic sulfur compounds such as methyl mercaptan and dimethyl disulfide. For the treatment of low H2S and organic sulfur compounds, the HIGH FLOW or VENTSORB® PE can be filled with one of our other activated carbons. With higher levels of H2S, please consider our MINI-PHOENIX® PLUS and PHOENIX® odour control systems, designed for the control of heavy hydrogen sulfide loadings.
For applications other than continuous operation at the design air flow rate, contact Continental Carbon Group for review and recommendation.
Both the HIGH FLOW and VENTSORB® PE can be configured in a number of ways in odour to solve an odour problem. There are three basic models to choose from:
- A simple, passive, stand-alone canister
- Skid-mounted system complete with fan and controls
- A top-mounted fan system
- HIGH FLOW / VENTSORB PE canister – PPL/PE construction (with UV inhibitor)
- Stainless steel ground rod assembly
- Initial load of activated carbon
- Combined drain/water regeneration fitting with ball valve
- Water regeneration overflow fitting
- Lockable removable canister top of manway (HF2000/3000)
- Flanged inlet air nozzle (ANSI 150 flange, undrilled)
- Plain-end outlet air nozzle
- HIGH FLOW / VENTSORB PE stand alone canister (with features above)
- Initial load of activated carbon
- FRP fan with TEFC motor
- Combination motor starter, NEMA 4X
- Transition duct, flex connector, and flow control water regeneration valve
- Pressure differential indicator
- Skid mount for all items above
- HIGH FLOW / VENTSORB PE stand alone canister (with features above)
- Initial load of activated carbon
- Cast aluminum fan with TEFC motor
- Pressure differential indicator