Front and Side Access Housings
The Continental Carbon Group Front and Side Access assemblies are commercial and industrial duty activated carbon filters designed to purify air streams contaminated with odours and irritants associated with new construction and furnishings, manufacturing processes, and other air pollutants. In most cases the purified air can be recirculated, resulting in reduced make-up air requirements and energy savings.

Granular Activated Carbon Filter
The granular DACORTM cartridge (GDC) is the answer to your indoor air purification needs. It can be ordered with any of our dozens of activated carbon varieties for the purification of air streams for indoor occupied spaces to improve air quality and absorb problem odours. The unique design of the highcapacity cartridge filter (over 80 million square feet of carbon surface area per filter) features a low pressure drop for economical operation. The GDC filter provides exceptional performance associated with recirculated air applications. The spent cartridge is suitable for incineration or inclusion as a part of land-fill solid waste directly.
The low pressure drop configuration and performance make it an ideal fit for replacement filters in existing HEPA installations or for inclusion in new HVAC systems. The GDC is manufactured of lightweight materials for ease of handling while enclosed by an aluminum frame for strength and easy disposal. Special carbons are available for those difficult-to-control air contaminants such as ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and formaldehyde.

Granular Activated Carbon Filter – Cassettes
Continental Carbon Group’s cassette (BSC) filters are designed to fit a wide range of traditional cassette housings. All cassettes may be filled with any of our over 100 choices of granular activated carbons as your application warrants. The BSC is designed to deliver years of trouble-free service and can be refilled numerous times. The frame can handle airflows up to 2,000 cfm with minimal pressure drop. BSC’s are typically used for indoor air purification applications in commercial HVAC systems for:
- Air purification for semiconductor production areas
- Corrosion protection for valuable electronic equipment
- Noxious fumes removal
- Museums, depositories, historical archives, or other high-value storage facilities
- Removing off-gassing from new carpet and other building materials

Granular Dacor- Activated Carbon Panel
The disposable DACOR® panel filter uses activated carbon in conventional 5/8″-, 1″-, and 2″-deep frames for improved indoor air quality in occupied spaces. The unique honeycomb design filled with granular activated carbon provides exceptional performance and long life in recirculating air applications. The granular DACOR® panel filter is available in a variety of standard and custom sizes. These filters reduce energy costs, have low airflow resistance, are lightweight and durable, and can be easily installed with any media. The granular DACOR® panel is also available with a 1/4” nonwoven, one-sided polyester filter for dust control.

High Efficiency Particulate (HEPA)
Continental Carbon Group stocks HEPA filters that handle airflow up to 2,000 scfm, and a minimum efficiency of 99.97%. All HEPA filters are designed for seamless installation in all Continental Carbon Group equipment. It is recommended that HEPA filters be preceded by a prefilter to capture larger particles and increase HEPA life.
HEPA filters are typically required for use in:
- Hospitals
- Pharmaceutical manufacturing
- Clean rooms
- Computer rooms
- Nuclear ventilation systems
- Laboratories
- Research facilities
- Food processing plants

Pur Air® Combo Filters
The PUR AIR® COMBO filter fits easily in place of any standard 2”-thick throw-away particulate prefilter. As air passes through the PUR AIR® COMBO, dust is removed in the particulate section and odorous gases are controlled in the activated carbon section. The PUR AIR® COMBO is most effective in a recirculating application. Each time the recirculated air passes through the filter, its level of purity is increased.
Odour and Dust Control Filter
The PUR AIR® COMBO provides a quick, inexpensive solution to most odour problems. The filter removes odours from smoking, cooking, light manufacturing, restrooms, and many other applications.
The Pur Air® Combo is well suited for use in:
- Office buildings
- Health clubs
- Shopping malls
- Beauty salons
- Restaurants
- Hospitals
- Schools
- Doctor and dentist offices

Refillable Carbon Filter Panels – FJI
The FJI™ filter is an activated carbon, refillable panel typically used in our FLS™, FJS™, FLD™, or FJD™ housings. The panels can be packed with any of the dozens of available activated carbon products offered by Continental Carbon Group, as well as with other adsorptive media. The panels are available in painted carbon steel, plastic, aluminized steel, or stainless steel construction. Standard size is 24” x 24” nominal with 1”, or 2” depths. Custom sized carbon filter panels are also available based on customer need. Continental Carbon Group also offers a wide range of carbon panels in specific configurations that provide an alternative to the original equipment supplied and with a much larger range of media choices to meet your specific treatment objectives and achieve lower operation and maintenance costs.

Economical and compact, the VENTSORB® series of drum activated carbon adsorbers is ideal for low-flow (less than 500 cfm) air purification applications at industrial, laboratory, and manufacturing facilities. Chemical, petrochemical, food, pulp and paper, and many other industrial plants are frequent users of the VENTSORB® for continuous treatment of vented emissions. Here are a few examples of user applications for control of small volume organic contaminant and/or odorous gas emissions:
- Laboratory hood exhaust
- Storage tank vent
- Reactor vent
- Paint booth
- Solvent shed
- Indoor assembly ooms
- Landfill
- Ai -stripper off-gases

Continental Carbon Group is constantly striving to improve its products and capabilities and to provide the best product to it customers. Continental Carbon Group may from time to time develop product improvements or alterations (including, without limitation, revisions to product specifications), and may implement such Product Improvements without notice to the Buyer.
Making Air Safer and Cleaner
Wet activated carbon removes oxygen from air, causing a severe hazard to workers inside carbon vessels. Confined space/low oxygen procedures should be put in place before any entry is made. Such procedures should comply with all applicable local, state and federal guidelines.