Air Filtration Systems for Municipal and Industrial Applications
Continental Carbon Group staff have designed and developed robust systems for both municipal and industrial applications for air filtration. These systems incorporate the latest technology and have addressed the increasing importance of providing clean air for operating personnel, equipment and the environment. We naturally have a full range of gas phase media to suit the application, and a full service operation to handle the filling, removal and disposal of spent media. The following is a short and abbreviated view of the hardware products that have been designed and built:
1. Gas Phase Bulk Fill
These systems can be single horizontal beds or traditional, vertical deep beds. Applications include pressurization at industrial sites or venting to atmosphere at wastewater plants. Material of construction is typically stainless steel, but powder coated and aluminum have also been fabricated.
2. Gas Phase Side Access
These are systems that are typically used in recirculation air circuits with air handlers as polishing devices, or very low levels of contamination in pressurization systems. Media is held in refillable modules with thinner beds for higher duct velocity and lower pressure drop.