CC-OC200 is a selective water treatment adsorbent that bonds with hydrocarbons, organics and other contaminants upon contact. Extensive field application and laboratory analysis has shown CC-OC200 is capable of removing a wide range of contaminants to non-detectable levels. The resulting discharge water meets or exceeds typical regulatory requirements.

For treatment of hydrocarbons, heavy metals, and other organic contaminants, the optimal solution is efficient oil and water separation followed by CC-OC200 at full strength or blended with other media in certain applications. Since it is capable of adsorbing up to 70% of its weight in hydrocarbons, the life of CC-OC200 inside a filtration vessel is much longer than that of other process media such as activated carbon. The media can also be used as a stand-alone treatment process or upstream of other filtration processes and media such as reverse osmosis, activated carbon and resins.
Media Type: Granular (8 x 14 mesh)
Cation Exchange Capacity: Yes
Active Ingredient: Quaternary Amine
Active Media by Volume: 100%
Substrate: Zeolite Bulk Density: 58 lbs/ ft3
- Does not swell when exposed to water
- Prolongs life of activated carbon and resins, reducing costs and increasing efficiency
- Has more active product per cubic foot than other blended organophilic clays
- Cost effective and environmentally sound technology
- Part of a series of products; can be used at full strength or custom-blended